3 Simple Steps to Falling In Love With Your Home Again

To fall in love is to be enamored or captivated by someone or something. It conjures about happy feelings, it can even make you giddy. Remember when you first bought your house or when you first moved into your home? It was either exactly what you’ve always wanted or you saw the possibilities and you set out to achieve the vision. We’re always more motivated to fix up our homes when we first move in, but over time, we get lazy, we get complacent, and what used to bug us gets overlooked because we get used to it.Well, being that it is Valentine’s this week, it’s time to reignite the passion we have for our homes. Don’t worry, these are not big budget upgrades, but it’ll go a long way towards helping you fall back in love with your home again.Here are 3 Simple Steps:1.  Clean Up – Time and time again, I would get requests from clients for the “model home look”. After awhile, I figured out that ultimately, what they really wanted was a finished, pulled together look that was clean and uncluttered. So take a look around your space. Clear your kitchen counters. It doesn’t take anymore time to open up your pantry door to take the cereal out than it does to sort through the pantry items left out on the counter for the sake of “convenience”. Put laundry in the laundry basket or hang it back in your closet or fold it and put it in the drawer. This practice will not only save you time and effort in trying to locate what you’re trying to find, but it’ll go a long way to making you feel comfortable and relaxed in your home. Taking the time to clean up and organize your space will definitely stir up those warm and fuzzy feelings inside.2.  Add Color – Most people love color. Most people are afraid of color. I’m fond of saying that color is your friend. Now I’m not saying that you should go hog wild and make it look like a rainbow threw up in your house, but color is fun and changes the mood of a space. You can go neutral with your walls and furniture, but add a punch of color with accent pillows, art, and accessories. And don’t feel like once you choose a color that it’s set in stone. Feel free to change things up according to the season. Decorating is not a once and done affair. Bring out citrus colors for the spring and summer, try more spicy, warm tones for the fall and bring out the glitz for the winter holidays. It’s your home, have fun with it! Don’t fall into the rut of decorating it once and never changing it again. You don’t want your home to have a date stamp on it…it’s a living, breathing space…add color to add new life. You’ll be glad you did.

3.  Add Personality - You’ve heard the saying “home is where the heart is” right? Well, a heart is a living organ. Your home should be a reflection of the people who live in it. We all have personalities, let it shine. There is a difference between how you “live” in your home and how to present the home when it’s time to sell it. If you’re not selling…LIVE IT UP! Do put pictures of your family and friends on the walls. Do display your kids art. Feel free to include your hobbies and favorite things in your decorating style. Some of it may have to be pared down for resale, but again, if you’re not selling…enjoy your home. A personalized space is fun and welcoming. It should make you smile and make you look forward to going home.I hope you see how these simple steps can easily make you fall head over heels in love with you home again. Try one or two or all three of these suggestions. I would love to hear how this has helped you. I’d love to see pictures too…do share.


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