5 Cures for Bad Life Habits in 2017

As we continue with our new year series, I wanted to address 5 Cures for Bad Life Habits...follow these and you'll enjoy a low stress, "easier" 2017.  Here's how...

  1. Calendar everything: My life is organized around the calendar - both paper and electronic. Some of this might seem redundant but I find this system to work best for me. I use my 2017 paper calendar because I'm able to map out my daughter's entire school year activities in there and anything I know that is already scheduled months in advance.  I also use my physical planner that only has info for 3 months at a time and I plan my activities on a weekly basis and refer to it daily.  I also use google calendar for easy reference on my phone.  If you're not already using google calendar, I highly recommend it.  It's a FREE tool, easily accessible on the go, you can share calendars easily with people, you can create separate calendars for separate projects and color code calendars for easy reference.  I have a calendar for me, one for my daughter's activities, and a separate calendar for each of my projects. It's been such a game changer.  Outlook was a nightmare. I now use G Suite for my business and I love it. Our business is constantly on the go so having access to our files and information while we're out and about is of utmost importance to myself and my team.  Here's a video that will help you understand Gmail better.  You may want to subscribe to his channel, I find his tutorials very useful.

2. Write things down:  Let's be honest, our memory is not as good as we think.  There's just too much information to process and remember.  Rather than trying to rack your brain trying to remember that brilliant idea or thing that needed to be done, just write it down. I personally recommend and prefer pen and paper because I do believe the physical act of writing it down makes a stronger impression.  I carry a notebook in my purse at all times and I've gotten in the habit of carrying my planner with me as well where I write daily to do lists and enjoy the satisfaction of crossing off things that actually get done.  That's not to say I don't use my phone to do a lot of note taking as well because sometimes I'm lazy to bring my bag with me whereas my phone is usually in my hand or in my back pocket.  The NOTES app that comes with your phone is a great resource as is the app Wunderlist.  I found Wunderlist redundant so to avoid digital clutter I just use the notes app and delete the note when I'm done with it.

3. Give everything a home:  Do you find yourself running around looking for what you need all the time? Well, you are not alone.

Did you know that...

  • The Average Americans spends one year of their life looking for lost or misplaced items
  • On average, we spend 6 minutes looking for our keys in the morning.
  • The top five items men look for in their homes are clean socks, remote control, wedding album, car keys and driver’s license. For women, the top five items are shoes, a child’s toy, wallet, lipstick and the remote control.
  • The average American wastes 55 minutes a day (roughly 12 days a year) looking for things they own but can’t find.

Talk about stress and frustration which results in a baadd day!!!  Implementing systems into your home will help alleviate the unnecessary frenzy.

  • Create storage solutions specific to the various needs.  For example, install a coat rack near the front door or garage entry so you have a spot to hang your dog leash, car keys or bags.  It becomes a habit and you'll always know where to find it.
  • Put things where they belong. This goes without saying. A system is only as good as how it's being used. If you have a coat rack, use it to store the dog leash, car keys or bags and of course when you're done using them, put them back.
  • No junk drawers! I don't believe in junk drawers.  I know, semantics. I do have a drawer with miscellaneous items in there but they're all useful such as batteries, scissors, lighters, and chargers.  If it's considered "junk", toss it.  There's no room for that in the drawer or in your life! 

Get Organized Resources 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

4. Declutter regularly:  As I mentioned previously, clutter kills your mojo.Make it a point to declutter regularly and choose to tackle one area at a time.  Don't try to do everything all at once or you'll burn out.  I've outlined schedules for my clients when they have to pack up an entire house for renovation.  Start with one room, maybe something small like the bathroom and be ruthless. Look at each item and decide if you can USE it, DONATE it, GIVE IT AWAY, or just TOSS IT! Don't hang onto it "just in case" or because you're going to SELL IT.  If you are selling, take a photo and post it right away on Craigslist, eBay, or other local resale apps.  I actually use Craigslist a lot as free labor for removing items. It's amazing how quickly you'll get a response when you're giving away a FREE sofa or rug.  On the flip side, you didn't have to pay for a moving van or rely on favors from friends, it can happen almost immediately, and the items are being reused and not being added to the landfill.  It's all good.

Bonus tip for those who lack motivation to declutter, watch an episode of Hoarders, Buried Alive and I promise, it'll light a fire under your lazy a** right away!

5. Stop bargain buying or buying in bulk:  I don't have a Costco membership.  I could probably use one, but I just borrow access through friends as I need it and that works just fine for me. At home, it's just myself and my daughter. I really don't need to buy in bulk because well, it's just us and I don't have the room or the need to store multiple bottles of stuff. If it means I go to the store more regularly, then so be it. It's still more efficient for me than pretending I'm saving a few pennies to buy more upfront.  It's not worth it.  Be careful of warehouse shopping, couponing, and dollar stores. The bargains are not always as much as you think and then you're creating additional clutter in your home that is absolutely avoidable.

I hope you found these tips helpful.  Choose one and execute it. The satisfaction you feel will motivate you to do more.


5 Bad Personal and Well Being Habits to Break in 2017


How to Manage Digital Clutter