5 Home Renovation Mistakes to Avoid

Home Renovation Mistakes to Avoid...I feel like this could be a lengthy conversation, but I am going to keep it short and sweet and to the point.

  1.  Not Getting it in Writing - This is sooooo important, I cannot emphasize this enough. Get EVERYTHING in writing. Whether it's a contract, an email, a text (and screenshot those text messages for proof), a handwritten note with both signatures...get everything in writing so that there's no "he said, she said" drama down the road.  Even if it's the smallest little change, document it to avoid frustration down the road.
  2. Lack of Communication - communication is ev-er-y-thing! If you don't stay in touch with your crew, they will disappear. With smart phones at everyone's fingertips, there is NO EXCUSE why you cannot send a quick text message, an email or call! I do not put up with B.S. excuses that they were not available. Trust me, when you see folks in person, their mobile device is glued to their hand. You did not "miss" my messages, you just chose not to respond is all.  Make it a point to connect on a weekly basis to get a progress report and daily with the Trades who are suppose to be on-site to do the work.
  3. Indecision - another biggie. If you cannot make decisions to allow the project to move forward, you will cause delays and create frustration with your crew.  If they show up to work and the materials are not available on site or you don't know what color to paint the walls or you can't decide what to do and provide direction, you have lost the interest of the people there to do the work. Be a fast, decisive home renovator!!
  4. Lack of Follow-up - Ignorance is NOT BLISS! Not staying on top of what's happening on your job-site is never a good idea. If you're living in the home, that's unlikely, but if you're living elsewhere, make sure you do regular check-ins virtually and in person. Make sure your crew knows you are watching them and the schedule. "When the cats away the mice will play"...not on my watch, and hopefully not on yours either.
  5. Not Having a Schedule - mapping out a project schedule and making every effort to stick to it is important to avoid a 6 week project turning into a 6 month project. Put this schedule together with your contractor and trades. Of course, there needs to be some flexibility as things don't always go according to plan but so long as you're not making mistakes #1-4, this will be the project plan to keep things on track.

I hope you found these tips helpful and you'll make every effort to avoid making these 5 Home Renovation mistakes.  If you are planning a home renovation and are local to me, maybe I can help.  Get more information about our services here.  If you would like guidance on how to design and manage your own home renovation, we are offering a DIY course soon. Get on the waiting list here.  Good luck!




#80sHomeRenovationProject - Kitchen Makeover