Countdown to Spring Cleaning Tips: How to Clean Your Bed

Are we having fun yet?  If I've inspired you to do a little extra Spring Cleaning in one or two areas in your home, I've succeeded.  Just tonight, I moved all the chairs out of the dining room and gave my laminate floors a good mop...yay me!  Even if you do one thing every day, your house is a little fresher right?So today, I wanted to address an area that you use every day, but you probably don't pay extra cleaning attention to it...your bed! or more specifically, your mattress.  Did you know it takes more than just changing the sheets to keep your bed clean?  It's true!  Below is an excellent video that addresses how to deodorize (same as what we suggested for your carpet) and clean stains off your mattress.Here are a few tips to maintain the health, cleanliness and longevity of your mattress:

  1. Turn or flip your mattress every 3 months, aka every season or every quarter.
  2. Use a mattress cover or protector between your mattress and your fitted sheet
  3. Use bedding on your boxspring and your mattress (sounds like common sense but you wouldn't believe how many naked mattresses I've seen over the years...)
  4. As nice as "breakfast in bed" sounds, don't ever eat in your bed.  Not only is this not kosher on so many levels, but you're increasing the risk of spills in an area that is not easy to clean and seriously...
  5. Never get into bed with your street clothes on or your dirty body...for obvious reasons.  I just can't imagine or stress the sanctity of your bed being a "clean" space.
  6. moving naked mattressesIf you move (as in moving from one residence to another), make sure to cover your mattress with a mattress bag.  They come in different sizes to fit your specific mattress size.  They're inexpensive and it protects your mattress from getting dirty.  Whether you're using a moving service or renting a moving van yourself, leaving it unprotected means it's going to get filthy being dragged around.  Remember the sanctity of it being a "clean" space.  My biggest pet peave of all time is an exposed mattress being moved in an exposed vehicle, i.e. strapped to the top of a car or on the back of a pick-up truck.  So gross!  I mean...have you seen how many bugs die on your windshield and are stuck to the front of your moving vehicle...imagine what's splattering and clinging to your exposed mattress and then you're going to sleep on that?  I hope that paints a picture for you...

How to Clean Your Mattress via

Besides the mattress, there's the subject of pillows.  I have seen so many not so fresh pillows over the years, it's a real problem.  And when I say not so fresh, I mean they're gray in color and I'm pretty sure they started off white.  It's disturbing to me that one can lay their head on something so nasty.  So...please take a look at the pillows in your home and determine whether they can be cleaned or in all honesty, if they're worth keeping.  Some pillows can get pricey, but if you haven't purchased one in a decade or two, it's worth the investment.  Watch the video below for a very cool test to see if your pillow is worth salvaging.Here are a few tips to maintain the health, cleanliness and longevity of your pillows:
  1. Launder your pillows every 3 months and replace every year or 2 depending on the condition.
  2. Use a pillow cover or protector between your pillow and your pillowcase (these are zippered covers that can be removed and laundered).

How to Clean Your Pillows

If I didn't make it clear enough, your bed space, i.e. your mattress and pillow should be top priority on the keeping clean list. If you haven't been motivated to do anything else up to this point, I hope I've lit the fire under you to address today's topic in your own home.One last Spring Cleaning Day before we welcome the new season...see you tomorrow!


Countdown to Spring: Spring Cleaning Motivation and Cleaning Up After Being Sick


Countdown to Spring: Spring Cleaning Your Floors