Home Selling Tip: What to do with all that STUFF you no longer need

When you're preparing your house to sell, you need to declutter and remove all the things from your home that is not needed during the selling process. This is a great time to pack up things you know you'll be taking with you to your new home, but what do you do with all the stuff you no longer want or need? Here are 5 ways to manage all the extra stuff...1. Sell it on Craigslist - this is a great online garage sale like resource for selling just about anything. I've sold furniture, appliances, even my daughter's baby trike. Unlike eBay, the buyers come pick up from you unless you make other arrangements and generally speaking, all sales are by cash only.garage-sale2. Have a Garage Sale - I must admit this is NOT my favorite resource because I don't enjoy haggling with folks, but it is a way to get rid of some of that extra stuff and make a few bucks at the same time. You'll have to decide for yourself if it's worth the time and effort because the return may not be that lucrative, but of course, that also depends on where you live.3. Give it to Friends & Family - I really like this. As soon as I knew I was moving, I packed up all of Alexa's baby things and divided them up amongst my nephews and nieces. I gave her baby mattress to her school secretary who was having a baby, lawn mower to a neighbor, air purifier to a good friend, etc. You can probably find friends and family who could use and appreciate the gift of some of the things you no longer need...it's a great way to recycle as well.donate-clothing4. Donate it. Whatever you don't sell during your garage sale, via Craigslist, etc. you can donate it to Goodwill and other non-profit organizations. In my neighborhood, we regularly had various organizations come through to pick-up household goods, clothing, even shoes! I decided to donate all my office furniture to a church. That made me feel better than dealing with all the bargain hunters on Craigslist. Plus, you'll get a tax write-off while doing a good deed!5. Give it away for FREE! This is what I did with the last of my stuff...just put it out on the driveway and put up a sign that says 'FREE' and let folks take whatever they want. Whatever is left will get donated.Hope you find this list helpful and good luck with your purging process.


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