Make Getting Organized in the New Year Your Lifestyle Resolution

Happy New Year! Here we are at the beginning of a fresh start.  Whether or not you believe in making resolutions, we all have things we would like to see change and change for the better.  The new year gives us all motivation to rid ourselves of old habits and incorporate better ones into our daily lives.I can't think of anything better than getting our homes organized. Seems all the retailers are on the same page because literally the day after Christmas, all the organizational tools were lined up front and center in the stores - various storage bins, shelves, drawers, all to help us get our lives in order.  I LOVE IT!!  Trust me, organizing your home and keeping it organized will make your daily lives so much easier and ultimately, happier.I moved my personal residence a month ago on December 1st.  Yes, right in the midst of the holidays and let me tell you, it was tough.  To say I'm exhausted is an understatement.  I saw the move as an opportunity to get super organized, especially now that I have everything under one roof again and I have more living space...I also have a dedicated office space again (hallelujah!).Here are some of my tips for helping you get organized in the new year:1) Tackle one room at a time. Once you make the decision to start this project, you may get a little excited which can translate into being overly ambitious.  You won't be effective if you try to organize the entire house all at the same time.  Assess all your spaces and prioritize which rooms you'll tackle and in which order.  I had to do this with unpacking and putting my spaces back together.  It's impossible to hop around from room to room.  I started with the most important spaces which was my bedroom, the bathrooms, the kitchen, and my daughter's room.  Then I worked on the office, the living room, dining room and this weekend, the garage.  Focus on one room at a time and you'll reduce the overwhelm.2) Does it Belong Here? This is the question you have to ask yourself when you're looking at items stored in each room.  If it doesn't belong, take it out.  Each room should have it's function and to keep it organized and highly functional, it should ONLY house the items that relate to that specific function.  For example, your office should only have office related items in that space.  There should not be linens, clothes or other non-related items in there.  Keeping storage based on the obvious function of the room or space also allows you to store and find things easier because you know exactly where it belongs.3) Add Furnishings or Organizational Tools as Needed. Let's face it.  Having designated rooms, spaces or zones is not enough.  You also need bookcases, shelves, bins, etc. to house your things and to keep them nice and neat.  Use what you have and repurpose as needed.  Update pieces with paint or wallpaper.  Shop local garage sales, thrift stores and craigslist for cost effective resources.  Head to your local hardware or home improvement store and get creative.  I turned the closet in my new office into a storage for office supplies and gift wrap.  A couple of melamine shelves and metal brackets and I have created functional storage for myself.4) Do You Really Need It? Let's be honest, we all keep things that we don't really need.  Look at every item with scrutiny.  If you haven't used it, don't foresee using it in the near future, haven't worn it, GET RID OF IT.  Donate it, sell it, give it away, recycle it or throw it away!  And don't get caught in the trap of intending to do these things.  Actually do it.  Physically move it to your car and drive it to the donation center.  Physically take it to the garbage and DUMP IT!  It feels great and it gets it out of your house.5) Get in the Habit. This is probably the hardest part.  Once you go through the rooms, get rid of the things that don't belong, you don't need or want, and you organize it neatly with your new organizational tools, you have to maintain it.  Establish a routine of how to keep up your revamped spaces.  That means, getting in the habit of NOT bringing anything into the room that doesn't belong there.  Return everything to its proper place once you've used it.  This is so you can find it the next time you're looking for it...genius right?  Depending on what works with your lifestyle, spend one day a week or month to give each room a quick clean-up.  This will help keep those major overhauls at bay...incentive right?Hope you find these tips helpful.  If you need inspiration, visit your local Container Store or IKEA.  Enlist the help of a close friend.  The key is to get started.  Believe me, there's nothing like walking into a clean, uncluttered, organized room or opening an organized cabinet and finding exactly what you need. I dare you to try it, I bet you'll love it just as much as I do. Cheers to achieving your new Lifestyle Resolution!I would love to hear what you've done to get yourself organized for the new year.  Please leave your tips and comments below.


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