Friday Faves 5.5.17 | Bad Air Sponge/No Leak Coffee Mug/30 Seconds Cleaner
Happy Fri-yay!
Welcome back to Friday Faves where I'm sharing some of my absolute faaave household and lifestyle items. These are tried and true and highly recommended.
- Bad Air Sponge - I am big time singing the praises of this miracle in a jar. I bought mine at the checkout at Bed Bath and Beyond based on the cashier's recommendation. She said it eliminated cooking odors in the kitchen which immediately struck a chord with me since that is one of my pet peeves. I hate smelling the dinner I cooked...hours later. I have used it in the kitchen and yes, it absorbs cooking odors. I use it in the shoe closet to absorb smelly shoe odors. I recently put it out to absorb contractor B.O. (no joke!) after they leave and I still smell them (sooo gross!). I also just put it out overnight in my powder room to help absorb the strong vinyl smell from the removable wallpaper that I had installed. The smell was so strong it permeated the house but I put the Bad Air Sponge in the powder room, kept the door open and kept the window in the kitchen open to help it air out. The sickening smell was significantly reduced by morning. This is a patented formula and is perfect for pet owners because whether you smell it or not, the rest of us can smell your!!! I would recommend putting these in closets, in bathrooms, in dorm rooms, gyms, e-ver-y-where!!!
- No Leak Travel Mug - I have tried so many different travel mugs over the years and paid good money for "cute" ones and they all LEAK!!! Maybe not all of them initially, but over time, they all start to leak and when you're on the go like I am, the last thing I need is for my coffee mug to fail and have coffee stains on my clothes. I have finally tossed out all the rejects and decided to purchase the Zojirushi (yes, this is the Japanese brand that makes rice cookers and thermoses) stainless steel travel mug based on my sister's recommendation. I even waited an additional week to ensure I got the pink champagne color, although truth be told, it's more champagne gold and than pink champagne. Regardless, so far, so good. It keeps my coffee hot, although I'm not one to milk my coffee. I drink it, so it doesn't have much time to cool down! No leaks, the lid folds back all the way and stays there until I'm ready to close it and the parts come apart for easy clean up. If you're like me - need your coffee, is always on the go, and prefer a coffee mug that DOES NOT LEAK, this is the one for you. Comes in several color options...the marine blue is very pretty!
See video review here
- 30 Seconds Outdoor Cleaner - I have been trying to get my outdoor patio ready for warmer weather for at least 2 months now which was wishful thinking because we've had an abnormal amount of rain this season. Every time I try, the weather does not cooperate and I just gave up and decided I didn't care if it rained. The plants are blooming like crazy since we've had all the moisture and the sun teases us with bouts of beautiful weather so the plants needed pruning, the patio needed sweeping and the concrete needed freshening up since the rain had left mildew behind. I tried the 30 seconds outdoor cleaner this time and it worked really well. The mildew stains came up easily with a few strokes of a cleaning broom after letting the solution sit on it for just a few minutes. The patio felt really fresh and clean right after the treatment. I'm very happy with this and since most of you likely have an outdoor space you need to refresh for warmer weather ahead, give it a try. I think you'll be happy with the results.
Let me know if you try these products and how it works for you. See you again next Friday!